Honey Sticks Can Do Wonders for Your Skin Health and More!


Since ancient Greece, honey has been utilized as a supplement for health and beauty. To maintain the aesthetics of their skin, women would wrap themselves in a coating consisting of honey and olive oil. For ages, honey has been used exclusively for medicinal purposes; it is reported that even the Egyptians took baths in honey […]

5 Must-Have Dishes from France

These dishes from France are sure to have you exclaiming, "Bon appetit!"

France is a country located in Western Europe. It is known for many things—not only is it one of the world’s leading contributors to art, science, and philosophy, but it is also one of the best countries to go for if you’re a foodie! That’s because French cuisine is almost like an art style. It […]

5 Must-Have Dishes from Ethiopia

Ethiopia has a ton of dishes with history as rich as Africa itself.

Ethiopia is one of the cradles of modern-day human civilization. It is located in Eastern Africa, sandwiched between Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, and Eritrea. It is one of the more populous countries in the continent, second only to Nigeria, and the twelfth most populous in the world. Ethiopia is considered a developing country in Africa and […]

5 Must-Have Dishes from Belgium

Belgium sure knows how to create tasty dishes!

Officially known as the Kingdom of Belgium, Belgium is a country in Northeastern Europe that is also one of its most populated. Despite its small size, several linguistic communities are living there including the Flemish, the French, the Germans, and more. Their history has been well-documented over the centuries, which is why you’ll find many […]

5 Must-Have Dishes from Australia

You'll be sure to have a good day, mate, with these dishes from Australia!

Feast your eyes on the various dishes from the Land Down Under. Australia is a cultural hotpot of a country with influences from European, Asian, Pacific Islander, and, of course, Australian Aboriginal cultures. In Australia, you can be sure that every bite you take of their traditional dishes will be an adventure. Come join us […]

4 Ways to Ease Acid Reflux After Meals

Acid reflux is totally manageable as long as you do these healthy habits after eating.

Acid reflux refers to stomach acid reentering the esophagus. This happens when the esophageal sphincter relaxes at the wrong time or doesn’t close properly, allowing stomach contents to go back up and irritate the lining of the esophagus. Over time, this can lead to gastroesophageal reflux, which is uncurable. GERD isn’t life-threatening, but it’s definitely […]

5 Must-Have Dishes from Singapore

Sample these dishes from the Lion City, Singapore!

Despite being one of the smallest countries in the world, Singapore is a cultural mecca. It’s the perfect blend of Chinese, Southeast Asian, British, and other international cultures, meaning that it’s a haven for foodies like you and me because of how many options are available! Make sure not to miss out on any of […]

10 Exotic Fruits You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Have you heard of any of these exotic fruits?

When we grow up being surrounded by our local fruits and vegetables, we start to assume that people across the globe know what they are too. However, that’s not always the case—some fruits require a specific environment to grow, making them harder to find in certain countries and continents. So, while almost everybody knows what […]

7 Foods to Eat When Trying to Get Pregnant

These are the foods you need to eat to get pregnant.

Starting a family is a dream for many people across the world. Indeed, if you’re a woman reading this (and you most probably are), you’ve probably been asked multiple times by friends and family when you’re planning on getting pregnant or how many kids you’re planning on having. Indeed, you might have even been offered […]

The 9 Best Fruits for Your Immune System

Let's look at the best fruits for an improved immune system!

With how much damage COVID-19 caused all over the world, it’s understandable that people are paranoid about their health. Nowadays, people are more aware of not only how to have proper hygiene by washing their hands but also of ingesting the right fruits and veggies to boost the immune system. If your immune system is […]