All About Veganuary!

What is Veganuary, and why is it a positive force for change?

January is the perfect time to adopt a vegan diet if you’ve been debating it. Make that Veganuary, a word from a UK nonprofit organization with the same name. The goal of Veganuary, founded in 2014, is to persuade individuals to eat only plant-based foods for January. Since then, participation has increased by more than […]

5 Things to Remember About Going Meatless

Remember these helpful tips when you consider going meatless.

More and more people these days are choosing to go meatless, whether it’s for ethical, environmental, medical, or religious reasons. There are plenty of reasons why going meatless is a good idea, so if you’re choosing to follow the same route, then remember that it’s good for you! However, one shouldn’t go meatless without knowing […]