A Comprehensive Guide to Bell’s Palsy

Bell's palsy is a scary but ultimately non-threatening neurological condition of the face.

Bell’s palsy is a temporary weakness or total paralysis of one-half of your facial nerves. Here, one side of your face will be unmovable, leading to a droopy eye, a lopsided smile, and an eye that can’t close all the way. It’s generally harmless and will cure itself after a few weeks or months. It […]

10 Exotic Fruits You Probably Haven’t Heard Of

Have you heard of any of these exotic fruits?

When we grow up being surrounded by our local fruits and vegetables, we start to assume that people across the globe know what they are too. However, that’s not always the case—some fruits require a specific environment to grow, making them harder to find in certain countries and continents. So, while almost everybody knows what […]

7 Foods to Eat When Trying to Get Pregnant

These are the foods you need to eat to get pregnant.

Starting a family is a dream for many people across the world. Indeed, if you’re a woman reading this (and you most probably are), you’ve probably been asked multiple times by friends and family when you’re planning on getting pregnant or how many kids you’re planning on having. Indeed, you might have even been offered […]

The 9 Best Fruits for Your Immune System

Let's look at the best fruits for an improved immune system!

With how much damage COVID-19 caused all over the world, it’s understandable that people are paranoid about their health. Nowadays, people are more aware of not only how to have proper hygiene by washing their hands but also of ingesting the right fruits and veggies to boost the immune system. If your immune system is […]

11 Easy Lifestyle Changes to Stay Healthy

You don't need to do anything drastic to stay healthy. Sometimes you just need to make lifestyle changes.

Juggling a work-life balance can be tough, but juggling life changes, work-life balance and a healthy lifestyle? That’s even tougher! This applies more so to busy bees or those who live in the city—sometimes we just don’t have the time to care about the state of our bodies. However, there are a couple of things […]

10 Cheese Dishes from Around the World

Fly around the world with everybody's favorite--cheese!

Did you know that people’s addiction to cheese is backed by scientific research? According to nutritionists, cheese contains a chemical called casein that triggers receptors in the brain responsible for addiction. So, don’t feel bad whenever you ask for extra cheese on your pizza—it’s perfectly natural! There are a ton of cheese dishes all over […]

5 Iconic Foods from Disney (Part 2)

Let's take a look at more yummy foods from Disney movies!

Welcome to the second part of 5 Iconic Foods from Disney! Disney is just so great at making great food that we had to separate this article into two! 1. Grey Stuff (Beauty and the Beast) A self-centered and arrogant prince is transformed into an ugly beast after angering an enchantress. The only way to break […]

5 Iconic Foods from Disney (Part 1)

Some of our fondest childhood memories is watching Disney movies. Let's see how Disney cooks their food!

The Walt Disney Company is one of the biggest companies in the world. It has released a ton of blockbuster hits over the years and has cemented a place in everybody’s childhoods. From animated classics like Cinderella to computer-animated ones like Encanto, there’s something to enjoy for anyone and everyone with Disney! One thing Disney […]

10 Beef Dishes from Around the World

Beef is one of the most protein-packed foods out there. Here are 10 different ways to cook them!

Beef is one of the most delectable meats you can find. There’s just something about cutting into a thick, juicy steak or biting into a flame-grilled hamburger that fills you right up. However, because of its expensive production costs, huge environmental impact, and high amounts of saturated fat, you should eat beef only once in […]

10 Reasons Why You’re Getting Acne as an Adult

Here are the 10 reasons why you might be getting adult acne!

Acne is the bane of every teenager’s existence. However, did you know that acne can still pop up even after you are well past puberty? It can be embarrassing to see a huge pimple pop up when you’re in your mid-twenties or thirties, but don’t worry—you’re not the only one with adult acne. Let’s take […]